My Review Of Nutrisystem Good Versus Bad

The Nutrisystem Diet Plan

Product: Nutrisystem Diet

Price: $260 to $300. per month

Guarantee:  Money back guarantee on first 28 day order, if you return the unused packaged food.

Special Offers: 2 weeks free food and save 10%(check website for offer)

Website: www.nutrisystem.comNutrisystems Review

CEO: Dawn Zier is the CEO.

Nutrisystem is an easy to follow plan that supplies  your food, give you plenty of literature  and offers counselors and dietitians to help you in you weight loss journey.

The program has 40 years experience with good tasting food and is very convenient with good results.

The food is

  1. High protein
  2. Low fat
  3. Low sodium
  4. Low-glycemic carbs
  5. 25-35 grams of fiber
  6. 100% preservative free foods

You can choose your own plan that best works for you.

The Basic

$9.64  a day

Pick food for you

On-line support

4 week plan

Core PlanNutrisystem Review

$10.36 a day

Pick your own foods (over 100 food)

Access to counselors and dietitians

Uniquely Yours  

$11.96 a day

Best variety of foods ( over 150 to choose from)

Includes everything the same as the core plan plus

frozen foods are also available.

The price runs from $260 to $300 a month.

with a money-back guarantee.

I think if you are a single person, or someone that doesn’t know how to cook or doesn’t care to cook, this can be a good plan for you.

I would think if you have a family and have to cook for them it might test your will-power some.

The premise behind Nutrisystem is portion size. Their food is packaged and delivered in the right portion size to guarantee you will lose weight if you don’t deviate from the plan, or cheat.

There is a four week plan where you can eat 4-5 times a day with fresh fruit and veggies.

You should lose 1 to 2 pounds a week depending on the amount of exercise you incorporate.


  • Unlimited phone support with counselors and dietitians
  • Online tracking
  • Recipes ideas and suggestions for eating out
  • Fitness for fun ideas

You get to pick your own plan.

There is a plan for vegetarians or for people with diabetes.


In todays society everyone want quick, fast and instantly. The same goes for weight loss.

This plan seems to be a little on the slow side as compared to many of the low-carb or no-carb plans available.

Also water juicing and fruit and vegetable juicing will give you faster results.

If you don’t enjoy the taste of their food, that could be a drawback.

And finally the cost may be to prohibitive for some, although you have to take into account you would not have to purchase as much food as you would normally.

So my final take.

It’s a plan that’s been around for a long time, so it’s tried and tested.

It’s easy. No indecisions on what you eat. It’s just making sure you stay on track that matters.

Hopefully you don’t get cravings for the wrong foods.Nutrisystem reviews

It can be quite expensive if you have a very large amount to lose. Say you have 50 pounds to lose and you lose 2 pounds a week. That will be 25 weeks to lose the weight.

If you choose the 10.36 a day plan times 25 weeks could add up to $1813.00 dollars. But sometimes it’s the choice between being healthy and sick. Then it is a good investment if you can’t do it any other way.

Then learning how to go back to eating regular food could be quite hard.

Hopefully I’ve given you a clear picture of what this diet is like with the pro and cons.

If you enjoyed this article please leave a comment or question below. I would love to hear from you and thank-you for visiting, Deanna


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