Venus Factor Review

weightloss motivation

Venus Factor Review

Recently, there has been quite a bit of buzz about the Venus Factor program by John Barbon.

This program is a body sculpting system specifically designed for women.

Since it is harder for women to lose weight due to their baby producing hormones, this program is geared specifically for them.

In this review you will learn what it this program is all about.

You will also learn if this program is a good fit for you.

After you read my review you will learn if it is worth the investment.

If you want the official website for this product and get a limited time offer, just click here for a special price. CLICK HERE NOW.

So, here is my take on the Venus Factor.

This program was developed by John Barbon, a famous fitness consultant. He also created other best-selling programs, including The Anything Goes Diet and Adonis Index System.

Here are the different points I will cover about this program

What is the Venus Factor?

Does it work?

What kind of results can you expect?

Is this program for all women?

Can I get results from the program?

Are there any risks involved in the Liptin Diet?

What is the Venus Factor?

A strict diet and an intense exercise program. If you like to exercise, this program could be very beneficial to you. You definitely have to be dedicated if you want to see success, but you will see success. Plus, the diet demands plenty of discipline.

If you are very overweight this program might be very difficult to follow in the beginning. My recommendation is to start slow and do what you can and keep increasing your workout. That way you won’t quit.

It takes time to get back into shape, so, just go slow and do what you can each workout and try to increase it every day. Before you know it you will be doing the exercises like a pro.

The diet is basically a low carbohydrate diet, which is a very good way to get a jump start on dropping the pounds.

You will have to follow the program faithfully if you want the best results as is true with any weight loss program.

The Liptin Diet

Discovering the fat hormone liptin is the key to permanent weight loss and improved health.

When you are overweight, fat cells produce the hormone Liptin affecting weight loss.

Liptin controls appetite, energy and your metabolic rate.

So a very good reason to get the weight off.

Liptin also causes food cravings, overeating, obsession with food and also the increase the chances of heart trouble.

Barbon states the level of liptin in a women’s body is responsible for her excess weight. So he created MOR metabolic override which works very well to help women to lose the excess pounds.

Does the Venus Factor Work?

Many dieters have seen positive results and testimonials are also stating the program works if you are dedicated.

How Does it Work?.lose weight

You must adhere to the diet plan that is provided, stick with the 12 week exercise regime and you will definitely have good results.

What is included in the Venus Factor Program?

  • Main Venus Factor guide, which contains all the necessary facts regarding weight loss to help find your Venus Factor index ratio.
  • The Nutrition guide will teach you the best formula for your individual needs in orderto achive your ideal Venus index ratio. It’s very much geared to you individually as it uses your own personal weight, height and measurements.
  • The Workout Guide is very important key to this program. It’s a step by step workout plan that you follow for 12 weeks, broke down into 3 phases using resistance training.

The Pros

  • Designed for women. A very important aspect, as women definetly have a harder time to lose weight and a program designed just for them is geared to a better rate of success.
  • Diet approach is totally different. Completely different steps from other diet plans.You don’t need to count calories or points and you can still enjoy your favorite foods.
  • Very individualized , this program will work for all women, no matter where they are on the fitness ladder.
  • Total workout program, It has a step-by-step regiment for 12 weeks divided into 3 phases of 4 weeks each. It contains very useful pictures and easy to follow videos for the best results possible. Plus, all phases contain many types of exercise that include strength training to help tone all your muscles.
  • What is the immersion Community? You get to communicate with hundrds or even thousands of other women involved in the Venus Factor and get good feedback from them and also get questions answered. Good motivation for all it’s members.
  • Moneyback guarantee. Each purchase of the Venus Factor comes with a money-back guarentee for 60 days, which makes it a no-brainer.You have nothing to lose but excess weight.

The Cons

The Venus Factor is not one of those “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days” plans, where you lose a few pounds only to gain it all back and maybe more.

It’s Only Available Online

Click here to get theVenus Factor System and get the body you have only dreamed about.

Thank you for reading my review and I hoped it answered all your questions and good luck in your weight loss journey, Deanna

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