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Are you thinking about juicing? Having so many different models of juicers on the market, it’s hard to know which one would be best suited for you and your family’s needs.
Types of juicers
Are you interested in juicing? I started juicing a few months ago, and I’m surprised at how much better I feel. When I bought my first juicer, I did not take the time to research the different types of juicers and which type would better suit my needs.
But now I have. So which juicer is the best for you? This article will give you a better understanding of the different types of juicers and their pros and cons.
I did not understand the 3 different makes and how differently they operate, such as speed, durability, simplicity to operate and clean.
So hopefully I can keep you from making the same mistakes I did. There are many different models and prices to consider, but only three different types.
Centrifugal Type
Masticating Type
Triturating Type
The centrifugal type is the fastest, makes the most noise and creates heat. The heat destroys some of the enzymes and nutrients, but the final product is still very healthy.
You can use most fruits and non-leafy vegetables. These juicers have very high speed and will process your juice vey fast. There is more waste of the fruit and vegetables with this type of juicer.
But if you are a busy, on the go person, the centrifugal model might be your best choice. This machine is faster, but the juice is not quite as nutritious. Here is a good choice for the centrifugal juicer. Just Click here.
The masticating type: A masticating juicer is great for the leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, parsley, cilantro, Swiss Chard etc. Even thought a centrifugal juicer can juice green leafy vegetables, it is not efficient as a masticating juicer in comparison.
While the high speed action of a centrifugal juicer can produces a lot of heat which then can damage the enzymes in the juice. A masticating juicer will not create the friction that a centrifugal juicer will.
Masticating juicer will requires less vegetables, in many situations, to create more juice. As a result, you spend less on vegetables than you would with a centrifugal juicer. A masticating juicer is very versatile. Click here to see for yourself.
The triturating type: The triturating works with almost all vegetables and fruit, including wheatgrass. It is probably the best juicer available. It makes the most nutrition juice.
It has two gears as opposed to one. This type of juicer extracts most of the juice from the fruits and vegetables while producing less foam. Plus it is quieter, but slower, and this type of juicer is more expensive.
But if you are serious about juicing this is the Rolls Royce of juicers. But if you are just getting into juicing, with any model of juicer, you will notice the improved flavor over store bought juices, plus the nutritional benefits are greater than store juices.
But it’s important to remember that all juices no matter how they are made must be kept refrigerated and used the same day.
Hopefully this information will help you make a good decision about which juicer to buy for your needs. Feel free to leave me comments or questions below, I would love to here from you. Thank you, Deanna