Low Carb, High Protein List For Better Health

If you are looking for a quick  way to jump-start your weight lose by losing 10 – 20 pounds, look at this low carb, high protein list of foods. I have included in this article a list of these foods and some of the foods you need to take a closer look at.

HIGH PROTEIN FOODSLow carb, highprotein list

turkey- dark or white meat

chicken- dark or white meat

beef- all cuts

lamb- all cuts

pork- all cuts

fish-any kind

shellfish- limit the amount of oysters and mussels, they contain some carbs. Oysters  1 carb per 1 oz. Mussels contain 2 carbs per 1 oz.

All of the above proteins are prepared without breading, stuffed or coated with flour.

eggs,  any way

cheese- all types except cottage cheese.

All of the above food are high in protein and very low in carbs. But be careful of cheese. There are some cheeses that are  higher in carbs than others. Most cheeses contain less than1 gram of net carbs, but don’t exceed more than 4 ounces of cheese per day.

Also avoid low-fat cheeses and diet cheese which could be high in sugar content.


Most vegetables are low carb foods.Low carb, high protein list






These vegetables have a little higher carb count, but still can be eaten in moderation.


bamboo shoots

bell peppers






pickles, dill or sour

tomatoes – limit tomatoes to 1 a day, tomatoes have a high sugar count.low carb high protein


Cooked vegetables:





green beans




spaghetti squash

summer and zucchini squash



If you are interested in following a low carb diet, this is a good guide to what you can and cannot eat.

You can have eggs and bacon or ham for breakfast, but no toast or muffins.

Have a large salad with some protein for lunch.

For dinner have a portion of meat, poultry, or fish with cooked vegetables and a side salad.

Have at least 5-6 cups of vegetables a day, some raw and some cooked.

Always check your labels for the carb count of salad dressings and condiments.

If you have done any fasting to encourage a faster start to your weight loss, this way of eating will help you continue to lose weight very quickly and help you to meet your weight loss goals, without feeling hungry all the time.

Once you have reached your desired weight, continue with the low carb, high protein lifestyle with an occasional treat, and you will be able to maintain the weight you want to  be.

Don’t go back to your old way of eating or you will just gain the weight back. One good rule to follow is to weight yourself only once a week. If you have gained 3 pounds or more go back to your strict way of eating until you get it off. You don’t want to start all over again. Eventually it will be second nature to you.

Also, exercise is very important to a healthy body, try to exercise at least 20 – 30 minutes a day with one day off a week, so include some form of exercise to help with your overall health and well-being. Best of luck to you in your journey.

If you found this article helpful or you have a question, I would appreciate a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you, Deanna





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