Losing Weight and Exercise -For Your Good Health

Losing weight and exercise should go hand in hand.

Fitness dance zumba class
Fitness dance zumba class

If you want to lose weight at a faster pace, incorporating exercise is very helpful.

Plus, it is very good for your overall well-being. Also, vey good for your mental well-being. Gets those endorphins going, which is excellent. Plus, it will improve your sleep habits.

Activity is very important. But it’s all about the right kind.

Trying to pack in more at the gym isn’t always the best route to take. Not all of us are gym people. I know I’m not.

It just feels like drudgery to most people, and you end up quitting soon after you start. Unless you are 20 something, it’s not always the most enjoyable form of exercise. Plus, who wants to be around all those buff gym rats. Especially if you are older and overweight.
Try to incorporate more activity every day within your regular daily schedules and you will begin to see a significant improvement in your body. You will have more pep in your step and things that were difficult to do will become easier, like going up a set of stairs.

Take a walk, play with the dog, play with your children or grandchildren.
Park your car further away from the stores when you go shopping.Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Just get up and move and make it fun.
Once you have gotten used to moving you might want to add a more formal type of exercise.

There are many avenues for this. Click here to see one of my favorites.

There are DVD’s you can buy very inexpensively or use  YouTube.  There are videos on YouTube for Yoga, Pilates, Walking, Stretching, Strength Training, Aerobics and many more.

Take your pick, find something that you will enjoy doing and not lose interest in. The only drawback to that method is you have to be self-motivated. Check this out.

Not everyone can stay up and positive for the long haul. Plus, with a lot of us paying for something like the gym, it is more motivating to get your money’s worth.

Check  out your local YMCA. They have many classes available. Plus, you get to know many other people in the same situation as you.

You don’t have to be a body builder to get a good workout.

My son takes his dog hiking up and around Quabbin Reservoir, which is beautiful any time of the year.

Remember,you have the internet at your fingertips and it is a great resource to find help.

Amazon has many exercise equipment options. If this is something you are interested in, many people are uncomfortable exercising around others, so you can exercise in the privacy of your home, here are a couple of options.


A great treadmill that is excellent for someone who is very overweight. Less than $1,000.

Another great option is a   standing desk exercise bike which is a lot cheaper. There are many good choices available.

This chair is great for someone that hasn’t exercised much or for the more mature individual wanting to get back into a healthy lifestyle. It’s a good place to start.

I hope these suggestions have been helpful as you embark on you new life style. Remember if you slip, pick yourself up and get going again. Don’t give up, Rome wasn’t built in a day and you will feel so much better physically and also mentally.

Don’t let one slip make you go on an eating binge. If you had a little fender-bender with your car, you wouldn’t try to smash it up more, would you?

Anything worth having is worth working for. You will have a much better outlook on life and how much fun it will be to shop for clothes!

Weight loss is usually 75% diet and 25% exercise. It’s much easier to cut back on calories than it is to burn them off.

If you consume a 500 calorie meal, you need to run over 4 miles to burn it off.

So, what should you do? If you are in a hurry (and who isn’t) to start seeing the pounds come off, following a low carb diet can be just the answer.

My husband lost 40 pounds in 3 months following a low carb diet plan. But with low carb, you have to follow it pretty strict for it to give you the quicker results you want to achieve.

It’s the same with diet and exercise, just add it into your lifestyle and it will soon become a way of life.

It’s been said that it takes 3 weeks to change or develop  habit, so the sooner you get started the faster you will see results.

You will be very proud of your accomplishments and feel so much better physically and mentally. You’ll wish you had done something sooner. But it’s never too late. So put on those sneakers and let’s get started.

So good luck and don’t give up. I am here  to help you on your path to great health.

Feel free to leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you about your successes and also your challenges.

Thank-you for reading and please leave a comment or question and thanks, Deanna




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