Which Is Better Diet Or Exercise?


Experts say the best return for your money is cutting calories or burning calories. You cannot just exercise alone, unless you have a very physical job that helps to burn a lot of calories.  And if that were the case you probably would not be reading this article. So which is better diet or exercise? Continue reading to see what I think.

But the amount of exercise to burn off a donut is so long you will get discouraged and not succeed. A donut at Dunkin Donuts is between 300 and 450 calories. It takes 30 minutes of low-impact exercise to burn off a donut. If you weight 155 pounds you will burn approximately 205 calories in 30 minutes. So do the math, you will have to exercise almost an hour to burn off a donut. Is it worth it.  The best approach is a combination of both womanexercise and diet.

Change or improve your habits.

First you need to change your eating habits in order to have good success and long-term results. Exercise alone won’t do it.

Plus eating right is better for your overall health. Eating properly will help to lower blood-pressure, help to prevent or reverse diabetes, improve your heart health, and help prevent or reverse other diseases.

Giving up processed foods, foods loaded with sugar, and sodas will help you have a healthier body. Exercise will enhance your overall well being, give you more energy, and definitely give you a much greater mental outlook.

Also having a proper diet long-term will help ensure proper health and will help to keep the weight off without the yo-yo dieting effect.

Just cutting your portion size, especially the carbs and high fat food will be a big step in the right direction. Add to that increased exercise and you will soon see the benefits without a noticeable strain on your lifestyle.

Little changes make a big difference. The problem is most people want a quick fix and there really isn’t one. Yes you can go on a rigid diet and exercise program, but can you sustain that life style. If you do that for set length of time and then go back to your previous life style and eating habits, you will just gain the weight back.

What works

Losing weight is not the simplest task to achieve, but in the long run the benefits will be well worth it. It’s been proven that it takes 3 weeks to create, change, or quit a habit. So in that length of time you can be well on your road to success. And the rewards will be worth the effort.

If you are a lot overweight it might seem like an insurmountable task to exercise. But if you take baby steps you will be surprised how soon you will see results.

Start slowly, start walking 5 or 10 minutes a couple of times a day and gradually increase walking-150572_640time until you can do a 30 to 45 min walk. Then concentrate on increasing your speed over time. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and you did not get overweight and out of shape overnight. But if you stick to it the rewards will be plenty.

You will be proud of yourself and be setting a great example for your family. But be sure to check with a health care professional before starting and diet or exercise program.

I hope you found this article helpful. If so you can leave me a comment below. Thanks and  contact me below if you have any questions or concerns.



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